At TechHub, we've developed a huge community around solving programming challenges, building exciting real-world projects in every stack, and daily discussions.
Self-taught developer | Currently learning Data Science & VueJS
TechHub is a community that focuses on Community Driven Development (CDD). Here we focus on solving programming challenges, building exciting real-world projects in every stack, and daily discussions. We conduct regular hackathons, meetups, community sessions to help developers and stay connected and motivated.
We know there are many organisations like this, but this community is totally community-driven. We don't take any charges and also all the courses we use are free. We are a really welcoming community, people of all age group and professions are allowed the only prerequisite is your passion for technology. We have diverse set of working professional in fields like Data Science, Machine Learning, UI/UX designing, Web Development to guide you through your learning journey with us. By joining our community you will get an all round experience that a modern day developer needs to spike his skills.
Competitive coding
We have a health competitive coding culture in our community. Have three channels namely basic, alpha and beta in which you get daily competitive coding questions to solve, which are then discussed in our discord server at 9 PM. Basic channel is for beginner, alpha is for intermediate and beta is for advance level questions. So, we have something for everyone. Check out our website for getting started now!!!
Web development
<html> Learn to Develop </html>
We have all you need to become a full stack web developer. We have mentors who can guide you and you can also participate in ongoing community project to learn by doing. We also conduct weekly sessions to keep you updated with the latest web tools you need to know about as a web developer.
Our ongoing web development projects
Data science
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We have future plans for implementing many industry projects in the field of data science too. For now we conduct webinars and follow up on data science courses, we also have a discussion channel for this on our discord server. Join us to get latest data science feeds.